Call 888.479.2770 Today

We get a lot of frequently asked questions here at Telplex, and we’ll be posting many of those shortly. In the meantime if you have any questions, just pick up the phone and give us a call. We’re happy to answer any questions and help meet any telcom related needs you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.

What are my bill payment options?

There are several ways to pay your Telplex bill.

Pay Online
You can make a one-time payment with your Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover credit card. To get started, login to the View Your Invoice and Pay Online section of our Web site and click on “Pay Now”. (This is a secure connection.)
If you need to register for online access, please call Customer service at 1-888-479-2770 for a secure password.
If your credit/debit card is not accepted online, please call Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770 for assistance.

Direct Recurring Payment
Sign up for autopay and you’ll never have to worry about being late with a payment! You can download a PDF of our AutoPay Enrollment Form. Once you complete it, fax it to 1-818-380-7081, or you can mail it to the address listed on the form.

Credit Card Payment By Phone Option
You may call Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770 to pay your balance over the phone with any major credit or debit card. Cards accepted include Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Please have your Telplex account number ready. As a courtesy, there is no handling fee for this service.

Payment Address
You can mail your payment to the address below:
Telplex Communications
16830 Ventura Blvd, Suite 350
Encino, CA 91436
ATTN: Accounts Receivable

Tip: To ensure prompt processing of payments, be sure to include the remittance slip with your payment and please write your account number on your check or money order. If you are paying for multiple accounts, be sure to attach the remittance portion of each bill to ensure that each account is properly credited.

How soon is my payment applied to my account?

Payments are posted the same day we receive them, with Saturday’s payments being posted on Monday. You can login to your account at any time to confirm whether your payment has been received.

Why Paperless Statements?

Help the environment and your mailbox. Sign up for paperless statements today!

With paperless statements, you will receive an email with an attachment of your bill, and at any time you can login to your account and view all current and previous statements online.

If I have paperless statements, can I get copies of my paper statements?
Yes. Simply login to View Your Invoice and Pay Online>, and click on the Invoices button. You can view and print all current and previous statements.
If you need to register for online access, please call Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770 to set up a secure password.

How do I pay my bill if I have paperless statements?

The easiest way to pay is to sign up for autopay. We will automatically charge your credit card each month and you’ll never have to worry about being late or receiving a finance charge. You can download a PDF of our AutoPay Enrollment Form. Once you complete it, fax it to 1-818-380-7081, or you can mail it to the address listed on the form.

You may also pay your invoice online. Log in to View Your Invoice and Pay Online and click “Pay Now.” It’s fast, secure and free!
If you need to register for online access, please call Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770 to set up a secure password.

How do I cancel paperless statements and start receiving paper statements again?

Just call customer service at 1-888-479-2770, and ask to be removed from paperless statements.

What does my Wire Maintenance plan include?

Customers are responsible to maintain and repair inside wire, including telephone wall jacks.

However, If you subscribe to a Telplex Wire Maintenance Plan, Telplex will complete inside troubleshooting and wire repairs.
If you do not subscribe to Telplex Communications Wire Maintenance, you may:

  1. Call Telplex to send out a technician & pay tech charges of $199 for the first 2 hours & $20 per additional 15 minutes of overtime (tech
    charges are waived if you have a Wire Maintenance Plan on your line), or
  2. Hire a technician yourself, or
  3. Repair the problem yourself.

The following work/materials are covered under the monthly charge for the Telplex Wire Maintenance plan:

  • All repair service calls
  • Trouble isolation
  • Diagnostic work
  • Repair or replacement of wiring and jacks with like wiring (exceptions include extensive Inside Wiring on equipment replacement, in which case, an estimate will be provided when calling Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770).

The following work/materials are NOT covered under the monthly charge for the inside Wire Maintenance plan:

  • Wiring for new construction, installations, moves or additional jacks
  • Improperly installed or non-standard wiring
  • Repair or replacement of telephones or telephone equipment
  • Wiring that connects telephones to business systems, such as a PBX system
  • Premises riser cable
  • Work done by an electrician
  • Fire and disasters, such as lightening, tornadoes, earthquakes, or floods (they are usually covered through customer’s property insurance).
  • Pre-existing trouble conditions
  • Conduit work
  • Travel time for remote locations

What are Telplex’s International Rates?

International rates vary for each country, so please call if you need an international rate for a specific country. Customer Service can be reached at 1-888-479-2770.

Who is USBI?

We have a billing arrangement with USBI, who bills on our behalf, to have your calls billed directly by AT&T, so that you only get one bill, and only have to make one payment!*

***Only applicable if you are a long distance only customer who is being billed for our services on your AT&T telephone bill***

What do I do if I don’t agree with my bill?

Customer satisfaction is the main priority at Telplex Communications. We expect to resolve service, billing and other customer issues during your initial call to Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770.

Why is my first bill higher than I expected?

Your first bill may be higher because it is for more than one month’s worth of charges. Telplex Communications follows the industry standard of pro-rating and billing one month in advance for local services. Please see the date ranges on page 3 of your invoice to confirm what time period you’re being billed for.

Your first bill will show the following charges:

  1. Charges from your signup date to your first regular bill date of the 14th of the month.
  2. Charges for services for the next full month.

**All future invoices will only be for one month of service.**

If you believe there is an error with your bill, please contact Telplex Communications customer service at 1-888-479-2770.

What happens to my unused long distance plan minutes?

Unused minutes are not rolled forward to the next bill cycle.

Why am I still getting a bill from my previous carrier?

Check the dates on their bill to confirm if it is a final bill from them (often it will say “Final Bill” but not always!) Also check to see if it is for a Toll Free Number, DSL, or for other land lines that didn’t switch to Telplex. If there are current charges, please call Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770 to make sure that we provide service on all of your lines.

How do I play my bill online?

Simply click on the link, View Your Invoice and Pay Online (this is a secure connection), and you can make a payment with your Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover credit card. This payment will be immediately posted to your account.

If you need to register for online access, please call Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770 to set up a secure password.

What are Telplex’s long distance billing increments?

Telplex bills LD calls in full minute increments, with NO minimum requirements.

What do I do if my plan isn’t working for me?

Customer satisfaction is the main priority at Telplex, so we will work hard at finding one of our many plans that suits your needs. Call Customer Service today at 1-888-479-2770 and let us find the perfect plan for you!

How do I use speed calling?

To establish a Speed Calling list:

  • End-user determines telephone numbers that they would like to associate with a Speed Calling code.
  • End-user dials 74# from a touchtone or 1174 from a rotary phone.
  • End-user assigns a Speed Calling Code to each number they want on the Speed Calling list: Codes 2 through 9
  • End-user dials the Speed Calling code, followed immediately by the full telephone number they want associated with that code. (A tone confirms that the code number and the associated telephone number are recorded.)
  • End-user will repeat above steps for each number they want to add or change/overlay on the Speed Calling list.

To Activate Speed Calling 8:

  1. Dial Speed Calling Code plus #
  2. Codes 2# through 9#
  1. Dial 11 and the one-digit speed calling code on a rotary phone
  2. Dial Speed Calling Code.
  3. Codes 112 through 119

How do I manage privacy?

Privacy Manger

When a call comes through as “anonymous”, “unavailable”, “out of area” or “private”, the caller will go through a series of self-identifying prompts before your phone even rings. The caller will hear: “The person you are trying to reach does not accept unidentified calls. Your Caller ID was not received. To enter an access code, press 1. Or, to record your name so that we may announce your call, press 2.” If the caller announces his or her name, your phone will ring and “Privacy Manager” appears on the Caller ID box. You will know that this is a screened call and will have four options to handle the call:
  1. Accept the call
  2. Reject the call: “The person you are calling is not available at this time. Please try again later.”
  3. Send the call to voice mail or an answering device.
  4. Send a solicitor’s rejection: “Attention! Phone solicitors – Please add this person’s name and telephone number to your Do Not Call list. The person you are calling does not accept phone solicitations.”
Callers with blocked numbers will be given the option to unblock their number for just this call, and the call will be connected. You can provide frequent callers whose numbers are unidentified with an access code which will allow people who enter them to ring through to your phone without recording their name. Each access code must be ten digits long. We suggest using the area code and telephone number of the person who’ll be using it. This makes it easy for the caller to remember and easy for you to recognize. Call Forwarding forwards your Privacy Manager options to your forwarding location regardless if forwarding location has Privacy Manager. You can access your “Profile Manager” to establish language options, set up access codes, or change your Personal Identification Number (PIN) or switch the service on or off. Note: If you use the Call Forward service we recommend you access the Profile Manager in order to turn Privacy Manager off during the time you have your phone call forwarded.

Access Profile Manager

Call 1-888-591-5191 for your area to establish language preferences, set up access codes for desired frequent callers to override Privacy Manager, change your PIN, or turn Privacy Manager on or off. Your initial PIN will be the last four numbers of your telephone number. Access codes are comprised of ten digits; and should be assigned to match the caller’s 10 digit home number for easy management of the list. You are limited to 10 access codes, however you can use the same access code more than once.

How do I access remote forwarding?


To Turn Forwarding On

Call the Remote Access number of the Call Forwarding Center, after calling the Update Center:
  1. Follow the recorded instructions and enter your seven digit telephone number and pin.
  2. You will then be prompted to enter a code to forward, pres 72
  3. You will then be prompted to enter the number you wish to forward to, enter it as though you are calling it directly from your location.
  4. Your calls will then be forwarded.

To Turn Forwarding Off

When you return to your primary phone dial 73# to stop forwarding. OR
  1. Call the Remote Access number of the Call Forwarding Center, after calling the Update Center.
  2. Follow the recorded instructions and enter your seven digit telephone number and pin.
  3. You will then be prompted to enter a code to un-forward, pres 73
  4. Your calls will then be un-forwarded.
Calls forwarded outside of your service area will be carried by the long distance company of your choice.

How can I trace calls?

To Activate Call Trace

When you receive a bothersome phone call:
  1. Hang up and wait ten seconds
  2. Press *57 (or dial 1157 on a rotary phone).
  3. The last number that called you will be traced (it won’t work if Call Waiting is triggered in the meantime).
  4. After you initiate Call Trace, a recording will let you know whether the trace is successful and provide an 800 number you can call to take legal action.
  5. Write down the time and date of the call to match up with our phone records.
  6. We can only give the traced number to a law enforcement agency and our security department.

How do I use Call Screening?

Using Call Screening

  1. Press *60 (1160 from a rotary phone) and follow promptsCalls from numbers on your list will now be screened.
  2. Until the service is turned off, your phone will not ring for calls from these numbers.
  3. The callers will hear ,“We’re sorry. The party you are calling is not accepting this call. Thank you.”

To setup or add a phone number

  1. Press # (12 from a rotary phone)
  2. Dial the phone number you would like to setup or add and press # (* from a rotary phone)
Note: Repeat for each number you’re adding.

To add the phone number of a call you just received

  1. Press # (12 from a rotary phone)
  2. Press 01 (01 from a rotary phone)
  3. Press #
Note: When a screen is placed on a phone number that was just received, the number will automatically be recognized without any actual digits being revealed. This is because the call is considered to be a private number.

To review your list of screened phone numbers

  1. Dial 1

To remove numbers while your listening to your list

  1. Dial 07 as you hear the number

To remove numbers when you are not listening to your list

  1. Press * (11 from a rotary phone)
  2. Dial the number
  3. Press *
Note: Repeat for each number you remove.

To turn off

  1. Press 60 (1160 from a rotary phone)
  2. Dial 3 and listen for confirmation
Note: In some areas, you may need to dial *80 (1180 from a rotary phone) to turn off this service. This service works only on calls within your service area

How do I use Voice Mail?

Your Voice Mail access number is 1-866-886-8886.

Initial Set Up of Your Voice Mailbox

The first time you use your voice mailbox you will be required to conduct an initial setup.
  1. Dial your Access Number 1-866-886-8886.
  2. Then you must enter your complete 10 digit telephone number.
  3. Then enter your PIN. Your default PIN is the last 4 digits of your main telephone number. You will then be prompted to create a new PIN code.
  4. You will then be prompted to record a new Greeting.

Main Menu

1 Access Messages 2 Send Message 3 Select and Record Greetings
4 Change Mailbox Options 5 Number of Messages in Mailbox 6Disconnect
7 8 9
* 0Help #
Whenever you access your voice mailbox you are told how many messages you have, and then you will hear the main menu. Message Center says: To retrieve your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To work with your greetings, press 3. To change your mailbox options, press 4. To hear the number of New and Saved messages, press 5. To disconnect, press 6 Activation of Message Headers For Date and Time Stamp When you listen to your messages, the playing of the message header date and time stamp before each message is optional. The message header includes information about who sent the message and when. To Activate/Deactivate Message Headers, Press (4) for Mailbox Options, then Press (3) to enable/disable the Message Headers. Tip: Even when Message Headers are not played, you can still access the Message Header by pressing 8 while listening to the message.

Listening to Your Messages

To listen to your messages, press 1 at the Main Menu. The messages will be played to you, starting with the New messages and then followed by any Saved messages (messages which you have already listened to and have decided to save rather than delete). Tip: While a message is playing you can press 1 to begin again, 7 to skip back,8 to pause, 9 to skip forward, or you can press # to skip to the next message.
1Listen to Message 2Save Message 3Delete Message
4Reply to Message 5Forward Message 6Next Message
7 Listen to End of Message 8Message Header 9 Access Deleted Messages
*Control Menu 0Help #Next Message
*Control Menu 0Help #Next Message When a message has finished playing Message Center says: To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message from the beginning, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward this message to another mailbox, press 5. To skip to the next message, press 6 To hear the end of the message again, press 7. To hear when the message was sent, press 8. To access your deleted messages, press 9. For help, press 0 For control menu, press 0 To go to the next message, press #

Selecting and Recording Your Greetings

When a caller reaches your voice mailbox they are greeted by one of five different greetings. To record these greetings and to select the greeting to be active, press 3 at the Main Menu.
1AvailableGreeting 2Not Available Greeting 3 No Messages Greeting
4SystemDefault Greeting 5 Change Recorded Name 6Busy Greeting
7Return 8 9
*Control Menu 0Help #
You are told which greeting is currently active and Message Center says: To select your “In The Office And Available” greeting, press 1. To select your “In The Office And Not Available”, greeting press 2. To select the “Not Accepting Messages” greeting, press 3. To select the “System” greeting, press 4. To change your Recorded Name, press 5. To work with your “Busy” greeting, press 6. To return, press 7.
Recording Greetings
You will need to record at least one of the above Greetings along with the “Busy” greeting. When you choose these greetings from the Greetings Menu you are given the choice of re-recording the greeting or simply listening to the current recording. Note: If your Stutter Dial Tone is not working please call us immediately to fix it.

How do I transfer a call or three way call?

  1. Press the switch hook.
  2. A unique call transfer dial tone will indicate the calling party is on hold.
  3. Dial the telephone number of the third party and do one of the following:
    • Hang up to complete the transfer
    • Stay on the line until the third party answers, introduce the call and then hang up
    • To conduct a three-way conversation, press the switch hook before or after the third party answers and all three parties will be connected.
*(Not Available In all Area’s) Call Transfer Disconnect is a call-transferring service that enables you to transfer your incoming calls to another phone number without your having to invest in an expensive telephone system. Call Transfer Disconnect enables your incoming calls to be transferred away from your office so that you are more accessible and your business line is available for other incoming business calls.

How do I access Call Forwarding Remotely?

Call the Update Center (*78 from the line with Remote Access Forwarding/Scheduled Forwarding OR 1-888-XXX-8052 from any touchtone telephone). The Update Center telephone number is usually 888-NPA-8052. NPA = the AREA CODE of the number with Remote Access Forwarding/Scheduled Forwarding except in Minnesota, Iowa, and Arizona. In Minnesota for NPA 763 or 952, use NPA 612; e.g.,1-888 612-8052. In Iowa for NPA 641, use NPA 515; e.g., 1-888 515-8052. In Arizona for NPA 928, use NPA 520; e.g., 1-888 520-8052 After calling the Update Center: Follow the recorded instructions which include entering the end-user’s area code and telephone. Enter the temporary or permanent four-digit security code. The temporary security code is always set to 1-2-3-4. The end-user will be instructed to establish a new security code. Listen to the main menu for options. To establish or change Forwarding Number, contact the Update Center and do one of the following:
  • Press 1 to establish a forward to telephone number.
  • Press 2 to change the existing forward to telephone number
  • When prompted, enter the area code and telephone number you are forwarding your local and long distance calls to.
  • When filling in the call forward telephone numbers, the appropriate format must be used:
    • In areas with Local 7-digit dialing the number must never be preceded by an area code.
    • In areas with Local 10-digit dialing, the number must be preceded with the area code.
  • Once the call forward numbers are entered, hang up. Calls are now forwarded.
To cancel Remote Access Forwarding:
  • Contact the Update Center.
  • Press 1.
  • Hang up.
  • Forwarding is now canceled.

How do I use Voice Mail?

Your Voice Mail access number is 1-866-886-8886.

Initial Set Up of Your Voice Mailbox

The first time you use your voice mailbox you will be required to conduct an initial setup. Dial your Access Number 1-866-886-8886. Then you must enter your complete 10 digit telephone number. Then enter your PIN. Your default PIN is the last 4 digits of your main telephone number. You will then be prompted to create a new PIN code. You will then be prompted to record a new Greeting.

Main Menu

1 Access Messages 2 Send Message 3 Select and Record Greetings
4 Change Mailbox Options 5 Number of Messages in Mailbox 6 Disconnect
7 8 9
* 0 Help #
Whenever you access your voice mailbox you are told how many messages you have, and then you will hear the main menu. Message Center says: To retrieve your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To work with your greetings, press 3. To change your mailbox options, press 4. To hear the number of New and Saved messages, press 5. To disconnect, press 6 Activation of Message Headers For Date and Time Stamp When you listen to your messages, the playing of the message header date and time stamp before each message is optional. The message header includes information about who sent the message and when. To Activate/Deactivate Message Headers, Press (4) for Mailbox Options, then Press (3) to enable/disable the Message Headers. Tip: Even when Message Headers are not played, you can still access the Message Header by pressing 8 while listening to the message.

Listening to Your Messages

To listen to your messages, press 1 at the Main Menu. The messages will be played to you, starting with the New messages and then followed by any Saved messages (messages which you have already listened to and have decided to save rather than delete). Tip: While a message is playing you can press 1 to begin again, 7 to skip back,8 to pause, 9 to skip forward, or you can press # to skip to the next message.
1 Listen to Message 2 Save Message 3 Delete Message
4 Reply to Message 5 Forward Message 6 Next Message
7 Listen to End of Message 8 Message Header 9 Access Deleted Messages
* Control Menu 0 Help # Next Message
When a message has finished playing Message Center says: To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message from the beginning, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward this message to another mailbox, press 5. To skip to the next message, press 6 To hear the end of the message again, press 7. To hear when the message was sent, press 8. To access your deleted messages, press 9. For help, press 0 For control menu, press 0 To go to the next message, press #

Selecting and Recording Your Greetings

When a caller reaches your voice mailbox they are greeted by one of five different greetings. To record these greetings and to select the greeting to be active, press 3 at the Main Menu.
1 Available Greeting 2 Not Available Greeting 3 No Messages Greeting
4 System Default Greeting 5 Change Recorded Name 6 Busy Greeting
7 Return 8 9
* Control Menu 0 Help #
You are told which greeting is currently active and Message Center says: To select your “In The Office And Available” greeting, press 1. To select your “In The Office And Not Available”, greeting press 2. To select the “Not Accepting Messages” greeting, press 3. To select the “System” greeting, press 4. To change your Recorded Name, press 5. To work with your “Busy” greeting, press 6. To return, press 7.

Recording Greetings

You will need to record at least one of the above Greetings along with the “Busy” greeting. When you choose these greetings from the Greetings Menu you are given the choice of re-recording the greeting or simply listening to the current recording. Note: If your Stutter Dial Tone is not working please call us immediately to fix it.  

How do I reject a call?

How to activate Call Rejection:

Dial *60 from a touchtone telephone (or dial 1160 from a rotary telephone.) Select the appropriate Call Rejection option.

To establish or add a telephone number to your Call Rejection list:

Dial #60 (for rotary telephone, dial 12).

To add the last incoming call to your Call Rejection list:

Dial #60. Wait for a tone and then dial 01# (for a rotary telephone, dial 12, wait for a tone and then dial 0112).

To remove an entry from your Call Rejection list:

Dial * (for a rotary telephone, dial 11).

To review the telephone numbers on your Call Rejection list

Dial 1. Follow the recorded instructions.

How to Deactivate Call Rejection

Dial *80 from a touch-tone telephone or 1180 from a rotary telephone.

To remove all entries on your Call Rejection list

Dial 08.

To remove all private entries on your Call Rejection list

Dial 09.

To save your revised Call Rejection list

Hang up.  

How do I transfer a call or three way call?

  • Press the switch hook.
  • A unique call transfer dial tone will indicate the calling party is on hold.
  • Dial the telephone number of the third party and do one of the following:
    • Hang up to complete the transfer
    • Stay on the line until the third party answers, introduce the call and then hang up
  • To conduct a three-way conversation, press the switch hook before or after the third party answers and all three parties will be connected.
*(Not Available In all Area’s) Call Transfer Disconnect is a call-transferring service that enables you to transfer your incoming calls to another phone number without your having to invest in an expensive telephone system. Call Transfer Disconnect enables your incoming calls to be transferred away from your office so that you are more accessible and your business line is available for other incoming business calls.

How do I automatically reject anonymous calls?

  • To activate Anonymous Call Rejection, Press *77 (1177 for rotary telephones).
  • To deactivate Anonymous Call Rejection, Press *87 (1187 for rotary telephones).

How do I restrict Dialing?

The Update Center, can be accessed, by end-users, one of two ways:
  • By dialing 1-888-NPA-8052 (NPA equals the end-user’s area code)
  • By dialing *78 from the line Dial Lock is provisioned
Exceptions: Calling from NPAs in MN, 763 and 952, end-users will need to use NPA 612; i.e, 1-888-612-8052. Calling from NPA in IA, 641, end-users will need to use NPA 515; i.e., 1-888-515-8052. Calling from NPA in AZ, 928, end-users will need to use NPA 520; i.e., 1-888-520-8052. A 6-digit administrative security code is required to access and make changes to Dial Lock. The temporary default security code is 123456. The end-user will call the Update Center to establish a permanent security code and make changes to their blocking profile. The end-user will be requested to enter their temporary security code of 123456. Recorded instructions will guide the end-user through establishing their own 6-digit security code. The first time the end-user calls the Update Center they will hear general instructions for managing their Dial Lock service before they hear the Dial Lock Main Menu. The end-user will have the option to bypass the general instructions the next time they call the Update Center. When the end-user accesses the Dial Lock Main Menu, they will hear an announcement advising them that the Dial Lock status is either on or off.

How do I use forwarding variable?

To activate Call Forwarding Variable:

  • Dial *72 or #72 from a touchtone telephone (72 from a rotary telephone).
  • Listen for second dial tone.
  • Dial the Call Forwarding Number.
  • Both parties must remain on the call for at least five seconds for Call Forwarding Variable activation to work.
  • If the Call Forwarding Number is busy or does not answer:
    • Hang up and immediately repeat the process.
    • Two quick tones will confirm that Call Forwarding Variable is in effect.

To deactivate Call Forwarding Variable:

  • Dial *73 or #73 from a touchtone telephone (73 from a rotary telephone).
  • When you hear two quick tones followed by dial tone, calls are no longer forwarded

To verify Call Forwarding Variable is in effect:

  • Dial *72 or #72 from a touchtone telephone (72 from a rotary telephone).
  • A busy signal or error announcement confirms that Call Forwarding Variable is in effect.

How do I use Security Screening?

Call the Update Center by dialing *78 from the line with Security Screen or 888-NPA-8052 from any touchtone telephone. In Arizona for NPA 928, use NPA 520; e.g., 1-888-520-8052 In Iowa for NPA 641, use NPA 515; e.g., 1-888 515-8052 In Minnesota for NPAs 763 or 952, use NPA 612; e.g. 1-888 612-8052. A 4-digit security code must be entered to make changes on service. The temporary code is 1234 for the first time the Update Center is called. The end-user will be instructed to establish a new custom security code.

How do I use Speed Calling?

To establish a Speed Calling list:

End-user determines telephone numbers that they would like to associate with a Speed Calling code. End-user assigns a Speed Calling Code to each number they want on the Speed Calling list: Speed Calling 8 Codes: 2 through 9 Speed Calling 30 Codes: 20 through 49 End-user dials one of the following access codes: Speed Calling 8 Code: dial *74 from a touchtone or 74 from a rotary phone. Speed Calling 30 Code: dial *75 from a touchtone or 75 from a rotary phone. End-user dials the Speed Calling code, followed immediately by the full telephone number they want associated with that code. (A tone confirms that the code number and the associated telephone number are recorded.) End-user will repeat above steps for each number they want to add or change/overlay on the Speed Calling list. To Activate Speed Calling 8 or 30:


Dial Speed Calling Code plus # Speed Calling 8 Codes: 2# through 9# Speed Calling 30 Codes: 20# through 49#


Dial Speed Calling Code. Speed Calling 8 Codes: 2 through 9 Speed Calling 30 Codes: 20 through 49  

I can’t make a long distance call.

If your payment to your local or long distance provider is past due, your provider may be restricting your access.
Test the validity of the number you have called by testing on your cell phone. This will test a different long distance network. If the call is still not completing on your cell phone, then the problem is with the number you are calling.

Test the long distance network on your problem land line, by calling out on other networks. This is a three part test and rates vary by carrier.

  • Dial 10-10-432 + 1 + area code + phone number, note whether the call completed on 432.
  • Dial 10-10-444 + 1 + area code + phone number, note whether the call completed on 444.
  • Dial 10-10-555 + 1 + area code + phone number, note whether the call completed on 555.

Please make sure to note the message you hear when calling and the time you called.
Call Telplex Comunications customer service at 888-479-2770 and let them know you completed the “Long Distance Network Testing” and give them the information listed above.

How do I make an international call?

Dial 011 + country code + city code + local number.

Who is USBI?

We have a billing arrangement with USBI, who bills on our behalf, to have your calls billed directly by AT&T, so that you only get one bill, and only have to make one payment!*

***Only applicable if you are a long distance only customer who is being billed for our services on your AT&T telephone bill***

What increments are used to bill?

Telplex bills LD calls in full minute increments, with NO minimum requirements.

I have no dial tone.


  1. Confirm whether the problem occurs with all of the phone lines at your location. Try the phone in another phone jack you may have. If the problem clears, the problem may be with a specific phone jack only. If you need a phone jack repaired you may:
    1. Call Telplex to send out a technician & pay tech charges of $199 for the first 2 hours & $20 per additional 15 minutes of overtime (tech charges are waived if you have a Wire Maintenance Plan on your line), or
    2. Hire a technician yourself, or
    3. Repair the problem yourself.
  2. If none of your phone lines are working, unplug all equipment from all lines, wait for 5 minutes, plug all equipment back in using the order you removed the equipment.
  3. If only one phone line is not working, disconnect the telephone and plug it into a wall jack that has a working telephone connected.
  4. If the problem is not resolved with a different jack, the problem is with the equipment. Check that the batteries in cordless phones are charged and installed correctly.
  5. Check that all phone receivers are on the hook.
  6. Check that the phone is plugged into the wall jack
  7. Check that the phone is connected to a power outlet, if applicable.
  8. Check that the batteries in cordless phones are charged and installed correctly.
  9. Check the phone cords for damage or cracks. Replace any damaged equipment to see if the problem clears.
  10. If none of the tips above resolve the problem please call Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770 and let them know that you have used the “No Dial tone Calls” checklist.

I can’t make local calls.

  1. If you have dial tone and can not call out, the problem may be with your telephone equipment or telephone line.
  2. Disconnect the telephone (including batteries from cordless phones) and plug it into a wall jack that has a working telephone connected. Plug phones back in one at a time.
  3. If the problem is solved by using a different jack, the problem is not with equipment but with the wiring or wall jacks.
  4. If the problem is not resolved with a different jack, then the problem is with the equipment. Check that the batteries in cordless phones are charged and installed correctly.
  5. Check the telephone, phone cords and telephone jack for damage or cracks. Replace any damaged equipment to see if the problem clears.
  6. If the line is used for a fax or credit card machine, plug a regular phone into the jack. If you can make outgoing calls on the line using the regular phone, the problem is with the fax or credit card machine, and not your land line.
  7. If none of the tips above resolve the problem please call Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770 and let them know that you have used the “Can’t Make Local Calls” checklist.

I am not receiving incoming calls.

  1. Confirm whether the problem occurs with all of the phone lines at your location. Try the phone in another phone jack you may have. If the problem clears, the problem may be with a specific phone jack only.
  2. If you have a dial tone but are not receiving calls, check to see if your ringer is on (you’d be surprised!). Also check to see if you have Call Forwarding activated. If Call Forwarding is activated, deactivate this feature by pressing *73 or #73.
  3. Check that all phone receivers are on the hook.
  4. Check that the phone is plugged into the wall jack
  5. Check that the phone is connected to a power outlet, if applicable.
  6. Check that the batteries in cordless phones are charged and installed correctly.
  7. Check the phone cords for damage or cracks.
  8. If none of the tips above resolve the problem please call Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770 and let them know that you have used the “No Incoming Calls” checklist.

I hear static and/or clicking noises on the line

  1. More often than not the static you hear on the line is caused by equipment attached to the telephone.
  2. To find the problem device, one at a time disconnect the equipment connected to the telephone line. Disconnect answering machines, fax machines, credit card machines and then listen for static.
  3. If the noise persists after removing all equipment, the problem may be with inside wiring or the jacks.
  4. If none of the tips above resolve the problem please call Customer Service at 1-888-479-2770 and let them know that you have used the “Noise on the Line” Checklist.
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