Plans Starting at
Available Data Plans
Data per Month | Price per Month | Monthly Overage |
4 GB | $40.00 | $20.00 / GB |
6 GB | $50.00 | $20.00 / GB |
10 GB | $70.00 | $20.00 / GB |
15 GB | $100.00 | $20.00 / GB |
20 GB | $120.00 | $20.00 / GB |
Models & Pricing
Model | Monthly Cost For Qualified Plans | Price |
Apple iPad mini 4 with Wi-Fi + Cellular 16GB (Gold, Silver, Space Gray) | $20.00 | $480.00 |
Apple iPad mini 4 with Wi-Fi + Cellular 64GB (Gold, Silver, Space Gray) | $25.00 | $600.00 |
Apple iPad mini 4 with Wi-Fi + Cellular 128GB (Gold, Silver, Space Gray) | $25.00 | $720.00 |